25 Aug 2021

The AREF ESG & SII Committee would like to highlight this important topic to all our members and the wider industry.


Watch the 10 minute podcast.  LISTEN to ESG experts, LEARN how you'll be affected, WHY you should care and importantly, HOW TO PREPARE!

Highlights include:

  • UK premium listed companies are required to report on a ‘comply or explain’ basis to the TCFD from January 2021
  • TCFD reporting will be mandatory for all large UK registered companies from 2023 
  • Transition risks for the real estate sector include changes in insurance coverage, tenant demands as well as changing regulation and carbon pricing
  • TCFD disclosures can be used as building blocks for action and interventions
  • Capturing the asset-level data ahead of time will allow you to factor in the time and resource needed for portfolio modelling
  • All intelligence collected can be used to inform your asset management strategy in response to future climate impacts 

"Given the likely financial significance of these risks and opportunities, fund managers should upskill on climate-related impacts and the TCFD recommendations in order to better understand the risks within the real estate funds in order to mitigate long term impacts and capture emerging opportunities."

Click below to watch the 10 minute podcast and learn how you can prepare:

Thanks to our speakers: Lucy Hamnett, Senior Consultant, Carbon Intelligence and Andy Szyman, Head of Sustainability, BMO Real Estate Partners.

This podcast is brought to you in collaboration with Carbon Intelligence, and proudly sponsored by Sanne Group,

If you'd like to see more exclusive short films in the series, and listen to different ESG industry experts explain the themes in detail click here to view all six podcasts in the 5 Year Roadmap Series.


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Related Resources:

For further resources relating to TCFD, please click here.

View all the video podcasts in the series from our 5 Year Roadmap:

07 Jun 2021

The AREF ESG 5 Year Roadmap

Listen to ESG industry experts explain what ESG themes are set to impact the industry in the next 5 years.



Katie Jowett

Katie Jowett

Fund Manager, La Salle Investment Management

Katie is the Chair of the AREF ESG & Social Impact Investing Committee. 

Katie is a Fund Manager within LaSalle Global Partner Solutions, having joined the team in 2010.  She holds a degree in Architecture from the University of Toronto, a MSc. in Real Estate from CASS Business School and the CFA Society of the UK, Investment Management Certificate. 

As well as being Chair of the AREF ESG & Social Impact Investing Committee, she is also Chair of the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) Advisory Committee and member of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative Property Working Group.