AREF represents the investment capital behind the UK’s buildings. From offices to shops and factories to homes, our members own, manage and maintain essential economic and social assets. Whether through pension funds, insurance vehicles, savings accounts or charities our members in turn represent investors, the savings and investments of millions of people. We serve both members and society by bringing the industry together, to share ideas and best practice, to overcome shared challenges, explore opportunities, and to represent it to policymakers.

Our six key pillars each represent a critical area of focus for AREF. Each pillar is designed to support our mission of making the property investment funds industry better for investment professionals, investors, businesses, society, and the economy.







New webcast series!
Everything you need to know about GRESB!


View our new webcast series aimed at helping investors and industry professionals navigate the complexities of GRESB.


Watch the webcast series



Fund data

Our summary statistics are drawn from the AREF/IPD UK Quarterly Property Fund Index (QPFI) and are intended to be a useful quick reference.



Active Consultations

View all our active consultations.




Fund Investors

Our fund members and AREF have the end investor's best interests at heart.

Property Fund Vision

The property researchers' bible - view the most up to date version here.

Investor Committee

The AREF Investor Committee comprises various investors and advisors.

See investors

Find out how you can become an AREF member

Our membership includes over sixty-five funds spanning the leading real estate fund management houses in the industry, through to smaller, specialist boutiques, with a collective net asset value of over £72bn. We have more than fifty Affiliate members, a number of Associate members and hundreds of Investor members.

Membership enquiry

If you are interested in becoming a member, contact us today.


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21 Apr 2022

AREF Brochure

Read who we are and what we do in our AREF brochure.