25 February 2021 2.30pm – 4pm + Add to calendar Joint IA/ AREF Roundtable call Webinar

Dial in for this joint roundtable event with AREF and the Investment Association on Thursday 25 February to discuss HM Treasury’s Call for Input on the Government’s review of the UK funds regime.

The call for input builds on the work of the Asset Management Taskforce and responds to the recommendations made by the UK Fund Regime Working Group in its 2019 report. It emphasises the importance of the UK asset management industry and the fund management and administration industry within it and sets out the objectives, scope and next steps for the wider review.

The overarching objective of the review is to identify options which will make the UK a more attractive location to set up, manage and administer funds, and which will support a wider range of more efficient investments better suited to UK and international investors’ needs.  This includes reforms to the UK tax regime, enhancing existing fund structures and introducing new ones such as the Professional Investor Fund, proposed by AREF, and the Long-Term Asset Fund put forward by the IA.  HMT is strongly of the opinion that managers of UK funds will have a greater opportunity to distribute funds globally if the attractiveness of the UK funds regime is enhanced.

If you would like to attend the Roundtable please book below. If you have received an invite from the IA for this event too, please only register with one of the associations.

Thursday 25 February 2021

14.30 - 16.00hrs

Call details will be sent to attendees ahead of the call

This webinar is FREE and open to all staff from AREF Fund, Affiliate, Associate and Investor member firms (view our list of members here).