21 Jul 2021

AREF FutureGen Network*
Educational Series 2021 - 'Real Estate: The Investor's Perspective.'

This year's series, 'Real Estate: The Investor's Perspective' follows on from our previous two years of successful instalments in 2019 and 2020.  Thanks to Carey Olsen who are this years sponsors.

In this virtual series, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the role of the investment manager in an indirect real estate portfolio, from the beginning to the end of the process - including pitching to clients and agreeing a mandate, constructing a diversified portfolio and managing that portfolio once established. We're joined by a great selection of speakers and hope you're able to join us. 

Resources from the event, including videos and slides can be downloaded below

Note: the full event videos are available for members only (click here to register/reset your password).

Resources from Event 1: Agreeing an Investment Management Agreement

Resources from Event 2: Investment Selection and Initial Deployment of Capital

Resources from Event 3: Ongoing Portfolio Management
