18 Feb 2022

As a follow-up to the MSCI announcement of 30th June 2021, the methodology document of MSCI/AREF UK Quarterly Property Fund Index (UK PFI) has been updated with changes to the inclusion criteria for the index and the underlying sub-indexes.

Below is a summary of key changes to the methodology document which will be implemented from Q1 2022 results reporting:

  • Changes to the Index inclusion rules
  • Changes to Sub-index inclusion rules
  • Implementation of quarterly review and observation period for certain criteria to assess eligibility of index constituents
  • In order to reflect the changes to sub-index rules, the current sub-indexes are renamed as outlined in the index announcement.

This has also resulted in changes to BMR Benchmarks in the MSCI Property Fund (with published NAV ) Benchmark Family. Section 7 from the MSCI Real Estate – BMR Benchmarks Methodology Specifications is now updated and available here.

Detailed methodology document for MSCI/AREF UK Quarterly Property Fund Index is available here.


Ed White

Ed White

Head of UK Consultants, MSCI Real Estate

Ed leads the UK Consultant team in MSCI Real Estate and has been with MSCI for 3 years. Ed joined MSCI from Homes England where he was Head of Corporate Strategy and Development for the organisation. Prior to this Ed was part of the founding team at HCA-Investments responsible for building the Management Information Framework and Analytics platforms across debt and equity.

Ed started his career at IPD as an analyst going on to hold various positions within the UK business.