11 Jul 2024

Below you will find a high-level summary of what's being discussed in recent committee meetings:

  • The committee are working on their new series 'An evening with'.  The first event took place on February 27th and will be an evening with 'Andrew Baum, Emeritus Professor from Oxford'. Read more about it here. The second event will take place on 25th July, read about it here.
  • FutureGen Conference 2024 - sponsored by Carey Olsen, it will take place on 3rd & 4th September in Cambridge.  Read more info here.
  • Quarterly site visits - the committee have organised two site visits already this year with a third taking place in October.  Read about the past site visits here.
  • Last year the committee organised a site visit at the impressive 22 Bishopsgate - Click here for more info. 
  • In 2022 they developed the Educational Series, you can find information about all the events in this series here. 
  • In July 2022, the committee organised a FutureGen Summer Drinks Reception, a fantastic opportunity for FutureGen members to increase their network. This years event is held at Fidelity Internationals Beautiful rooftop Terrace and will include a short talk from Claire Bradbury ESG Expert from Carbon Intelligence and Author of the book 'Dwellbeing: Finding a Home in the City'. 

Previous items you may be interested in:

  • The 2019 - 2021 Educational Series - a catalogue of videos and resources from the first three series. These resources are fantastic training for graduates new to the industry, and those who wish to have a refresher.  Click here to view.
  • In 2021 the Committee ran a survey to find out how attitudes to working from home have changed over the past 12 months, and what the world of work could look like in the future. You can find the result from this survey in a article titled 'Thoughts from The FutureGen Committee : 18 months on from the start of the pandemic'.
  • This article was a follow on from their white paper in 2020 looking at how young professionals feel about working from home during, and after the current crisis. You can read the full paper here.

Short Term Objectives

  • Collaborate with other Committees/ industry bodies
  • Rotate members of this committee onto other AREF committees
  • Increase FutureGen engagement in AREF Committees by having a FutureGen rep on other committees (the rep could attend the FutureGen Committee meetings for three months at the beginning of their committee term, and after this will join the FutureGen committee quarterly to align goals between committees)
  • Increase membership numbers by at least 25% each year
  • ½ day conference
  • Host events with other associations to access potential new members in cities like Birmingham and Manchester.

Long Term Objectives

  • New initiatives/ working towards changing the industry
  • Support younger industry members
  • Policy changes in the workplace (maternity leave in firms/ diversity/ flexible working)
  • Diversity in recruitment – Charity days/ inspiring people into new job opportunities


View more on the committee here.


Clare Grimes

Clare Grimes

Associate Director, GRE Finance

Clare the Chair of the Association of Real Estate Funds’ FutureGen Committee and sits on the AREF Management Committee.

Clare is an Associate Director for GRE Finance, a principal real estate lender operating across the residential, commercial and development space. Clare heads up deal origination for the business.

Prior to this Clare worked at Octopus Real Estate for seven years playing a key role for the firms’ commercial real estate debt fund.

Clare graduated in 2016 from Loughborough University with a BSc in Sociology and then graduated in 2021 from Henley Business School with a MSc in Real Estate Investment & Finance. She also holds a Diploma in Property Investment from the Investment Property Forum. She is chartered surveyor, holding the MRICS qualification.